'> Jaraika Food Feast: 02/26/16

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Samba wheat (Broken Wheat)Rava Idly A diet healthy food

Samba wheat is said to be a broken wheat as it has many medicinal benefits we can have it in our regular diet.

It helps in

  • weight loss ,
  • strengthen cardio vascular system of our body,
  • Controls sugar level of our body so even diabetics can regularly intake it 
  • Helps for good digestion as its rich in high fibre content
  • Obesity issues can be resolved easily 
  • its rich in iron and calcium to build body strength


For Mixing

  • Roasted Samba wheat Rava - 3 cup
  • Thick curd - 1 cup
  • Water - 1 and 1/2 cup
  • 1 or two sachet of Eno salt instead of soda salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • Salt as you need 

 For seasoning

  • Mustard,
  • Urad dhal
  • Channa dhal
  • Ginger
  • Green chilly
  • Chopped Carrot,beans,soft Green peas put in hot water for 5 mins
  • You can add groundnuts and cashewnuts too 


Mix everything together and make it as like normal idly batter  not more watery and not more thick

Season it with:

Mustard seeds, Urad dal, chana dal, curry leaves, grated ginger, chopped green chillies and the veggies.

Add it to the batter and make idlis.

Allow the batter to set for 20 mins atleast so in this mean time pre-heat idly vessel filled with water close the lid and grease the idly plate or wet the idly cloths to be ready

Prepare coconut chutney ready when the batter setting if sambar is also there it will be a best companion for it

Now its ready pour the idly batter on the idly plate allow it to cook for 10 to 15 minutes 

In order to check whether the idly cooked just insert a toothstick or a  spoon back side stick into idly if the idly cooked the stick will come freely otherwise the uncooked batter will attach on the tooth stick or in spoon.

If its not cooked well means just allow it to cook for another 5 mins and check again

So finally your healthy Samba wheat Rava idly will be ready

If your giving for kids grease with ghee during serving them so they get more power by this or sprinkle cheese over it or grated coconut with jaggery for the kids decorate and give surely they will eat never reject it

As its a  broken wheat idly it is oil free anyone can have it 

Love the healthy way of eating 

Thanks for reading

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