'> Jaraika Food Feast: 08/10/10

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Dry Pepper Potato Fry

Dry Pepper Potato Fry:

  • Finely chopped potato (which should be cut into very very small size)
  • Coconut oil-1 teaspoon
  • Gingely oil-2 teasponn
  • Pepper for your taste
  • Salt to taste


Dnt remove the skin of potato.Just cut the potato along with skin into small pieces
Then wash in water and filter the water

Keep the stove flame in low.

Now take the kadai.Add coconut oil and gingely oil

Add the spices if u want means

Then add mustard little bit and,garlic(in this stage u may see bubbles like flavor its due to coconut oil)

Finally add the chopped potato
add pinch of salt first and close the lid

Wait for sometime and stirrer well then and there.

when it got crispy squares add salt and pepper for ur taste.

Add pepper more which gives a good taste and flavor.

Add oil if the recipe was dry during cooking

It tastes good than the chilly powder potato fry.

Finally add chopped corainder leaves which gives a pleasant taste and smell good.

its so easy to prepare.

Try this recipe you can directly mix with rice and eat which tastes good

Simple Roti Roll with milkmaid:(Snacks)

Simple Roti Roll with milkmaid:(Snacks)

Ingredients what you will need:
  1. Milkmaid -2 teaspoon
  2. Spicy Micher(snacks), 
  3. Roti 

Just Apply the milkmaid on one side of roti and spread the spicy micher above this and roll it.Slightly warm if u want means.

Then it wil be a very tasty snacks in evening time

We can add differnt snack flavors or vegetables along with milkmaid coating as per our imagination and wish.So easy to prepare.

Milk Halwa:

Milk Halwa:
2 litre of milk,
Cashew nut,
Dried grapes,

Boil the milk still when it becomes semi solid and the smell may changes pleasant.
It may take 30-45 minutes.Main thing is keep in low or medium flame.Using non stick kadai that is best.if u use normal steel or iron kadai stirrer more times dnt forget.

Then it becomes some what semi solid that is the amount of milk wil reduce henc at this stage add 1-2 cups of sugar as per us wish.then stirer well.Just wait for 10minutes stil it becomes little messy.

In this mean time fry cashew,almond,dried grapes lightly in ghee.Then add this in the milk halwa.so easy to prepare.

if it becomes hard means add lightly add milk and ghee becos sometime we miss the correct stage of halwa.

I hope this wil be fine and easy.

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