'> Jaraika Food Feast: 03/06/16

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Jaggery Paniyaaram(traditional health food)

Jaggery Paniyaaram

This is a traditional dish our elders and parents prepare the healthy dish in a tasty manner but we wont have time to follow the recipe correctly because of today busy life  one morething  is we never have patience to try this dish as its a little bit long process.my concept is always is to prepare the dish in a simple or easy or instant way.

The recipe Ingredients are a easy one you need very few items thats available in kitchen.so no issues  and you can referigerate the batter also for two days atleast .dont keep more than that.Include this menu two days once or weekly twice or once atleast.This is rich in iron and calcium content even diabetics patients also can eat little.So elders can also have in small levels.
Kids and for  other family members regularly including it


Dosa batter -3 cup
Jaggery mash or broken one 1 (1/2)cup
Sugar 1/2 teaspoon(optional)
Rava -1 or 2 teaspoon
Elachi powder -1/2 teaspoon(Optional some people like yelachi so you can skip it)


Steps seems to be easy as its a instant recipe.you make the batter set for 10 mins means that would be better after mixing

Take a bowl add the jaggery powder, elachi powder,sugar,rava and add the dosa batter.Just mix it and beat well

So it will  be dark yellow you can reduce the jaggery if you dont want it as too much sweet if you want sweetness more means add the jaggery more.

After mixing close it and dont disturb for 10-20 mins.
Now preheat the paniyaaram kadaai and add a teaspoon of ghee on each kuli and grease  the pan well

So when it lightly warm just start to pour the paniyaaram batter.Always start from outside kuli and finish the center inside  kuli because the center part cook fast so it may get burnt the paniyaaram fastly.

Close the lid if you want the paniyaaram to cook fastly otherwise  you dont need to close it.
When one side cooked just reverse it by turn it upside down  and wait them to cook well.

So your tasty healthy sweet paniyaaram will be ready.
When you are preparing idly or dosa you can have this also on the same day special breakfast along with it.

Note make the batter little bit thick as i add more water its littlebit tough to reverse.so the batter has to be little bit thick like idly batter.

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